Thursday 17 December, 2009

moving, moving...gone

My last post here; the chronicles have shifted to wordpress, which is why I've not bothered to change the rather bizarre colour combo on this template :)

So à bientôt and see you at

Monday 14 December, 2009

Rocky part deux

And no I don't mean that terrible series of movies starring you know who! The ones that for some bizarre reason have reached a cult status. This about our local Rocky - the Rocky of the gym.

Since my usual swim was not an option in this Delhi winter, I signed up for the gym. And with great difficultly I've been dragging my ass out of bed everyday at 5.30 to cycle down to the gym. But Rocky (the second) makes it all worthwhile.

My third day at the gym, this guy who sort of helps out (especially the pathetic women who obviously don't know what a treadmill looks like) came upto me and started demo'ing how to use the dumb bells. Then he goes (in Hindi of course! and with my terrible Madrasi hindi replies) :

Rocky: You working or studying?

Self: I'm a journo. Work in a magazine.

Rocky: Ah! So you could write about me?

Self: (grinning at the thought of my 'green' mag writing about this guy. Green gymming perhaps?) Uhhh what could I write about you?

Rocky: You don't know who I am. (sounds a little put out but gamely continues) He pulls off his baseball cap and shakes out this shoulder-length hair.

See this hair? I've pulled ten cars in one go with this hair.

Self: (trying not to laugh) Ah!! Sorry, we are a 'green' mag so not quite our interest area.

Rocky: Oh. Never mind. But I am now practising to pull an aircraft.

And thats when I picked up the dumb bells and assiduously flexed my wimpy biceps.

P.S. For info on Rocky I go to earlier post:

Thursday 26 November, 2009

Another addition to my signboard collection. This one courtesy the Tuticorin municipality.

Monday 9 November, 2009

Idiot love

Last month, I was whizzing through forests in Nilgiris in a taxi. I was heading to Masinagudi to discuss elephant corridors. But lets not get side tracked here. The ride was punctuated by informative boards put up by the forest department. Do not feed wildlife. Do not get out of your vehicle.

I don't know about the first, but certainly saw people not obeying the second. But the most entertaining part of the taxi ride was in the car with me - the sole CD the driver had. Filled with Tamil movie songs no doubt from movies that got canned. My favourite starts off with a woman yelling:


Tuesday 29 September, 2009

what's your G?

This post will be super short cos I just wanted to give the url of another blog where I co-authored a post.... check it out...

Wednesday 29 July, 2009

The count climbeth...

My naked guy count has gone up by one. Damn! What is it with this city and its naked men? This one was lying on the road divider at Ambedkar Nagar junction enjoying the sunday morning sun.

Is there anything more to say?

I think not.

Tuesday 30 June, 2009

The TA path to oral, anal and phallic...

It all happened at a talk on FTAs (free trade agreements). I was invited to the building next to my office to hear a Costa Rican talk on how they fought a FTA with the US which would have been anti-farmer, anti-this and anti-that and would help the big bad wolf devour Costa Rica's market. But before the Costa Rican got started, mine host held forth -

"Hi! Its so nice to see young faces here. And some of you may not know but P and I go way back. We are both from TA families. We've known each other some 35 years. Those days there was no A/C in trains or mobile phones but we had the energy...."

You know the drivel that such folks spout. Then she went on, "In fact P's family are also into TA. Her husband is a wonderful person. Some day you should get her to talk about their love story. Anyway their children have been married in the TA tradition. Oh, perhaps some of you don't know what TA is. I should explain. Ah, S do you remember when we went...?"

And that was the end any TA talk. After the Costa Rican finished on FTAs, mine host invited this really old, frail man - a priest to talk. "I want to take a good look around," He literally did so, slowly turning in a circle and staring at all of us. "And I see all this young bright faces. I would like to ask to think about what you heard today. Are you going home after this and watching the TV or are you going to work for something worthwhile, dedicate yourself to the service of society and forget about making money and having a comfortable life. Close your eyes for a minute and think deeply about this,".

At which point everyone obediently closed their eyes except me and this Columbian woman who were trying hard not to snigger. The old fart was so full of it! So patronising. Grrr. As if we are all shallow creature flitting aimlessly from one transient pleasure to another. And even if we were, that's our life and our problem. Stop being holier than thou.

I haven't forgotten about TA.

According to Wiki, TA stands for Transactional Analysis. I quote, " an integrative approach to the theory of psychology and psychotherapy. Integrative because it has elements of psychoanalytic, humanist and cognitive approaches. It was developed by Canadian-born US psychiatrist Eric Berne during the late 1950s". And, "TA is a theory of personality and a systematic psychotherapy for personal growth and personal change. It offers a theory for child development, where it ties in very neatly with the Freudian developmental stages -oral, anal, phallic,".

Very deep and socially uplifting, I'm sure.