Monday, 14 December 2009

Rocky part deux

And no I don't mean that terrible series of movies starring you know who! The ones that for some bizarre reason have reached a cult status. This about our local Rocky - the Rocky of the gym.

Since my usual swim was not an option in this Delhi winter, I signed up for the gym. And with great difficultly I've been dragging my ass out of bed everyday at 5.30 to cycle down to the gym. But Rocky (the second) makes it all worthwhile.

My third day at the gym, this guy who sort of helps out (especially the pathetic women who obviously don't know what a treadmill looks like) came upto me and started demo'ing how to use the dumb bells. Then he goes (in Hindi of course! and with my terrible Madrasi hindi replies) :

Rocky: You working or studying?

Self: I'm a journo. Work in a magazine.

Rocky: Ah! So you could write about me?

Self: (grinning at the thought of my 'green' mag writing about this guy. Green gymming perhaps?) Uhhh what could I write about you?

Rocky: You don't know who I am. (sounds a little put out but gamely continues) He pulls off his baseball cap and shakes out this shoulder-length hair.

See this hair? I've pulled ten cars in one go with this hair.

Self: (trying not to laugh) Ah!! Sorry, we are a 'green' mag so not quite our interest area.

Rocky: Oh. Never mind. But I am now practising to pull an aircraft.

And thats when I picked up the dumb bells and assiduously flexed my wimpy biceps.

P.S. For info on Rocky I go to earlier post:

1 comment:

Surkhi said...

ahhahahhahahahahah.....woman i am so proud of attract such characters! its fun to read about