Tuesday, 2 June 2009

La famille B...

It's bad enough we have THE B to deal with, now we have inferior clones as well. Junior sits next to S and drives her crazy everyday. She's going to have a breakdown soon. What does he do that's so irritating, you may ask. Well, he breaks into song every now and again, especially popular Hindi numbers. Or shows off his Punjabi roots and then dabbles in the little Bengali he knows. The worst though is when he comes and waves his hands in front of your face and asks random questions, and sagely advises all to 'chill dude cos nothing is worth it'. Thanks, O Maharishi! That's the unasked for advice I need just after the B has been harassing me and spouting gyan at me.

Then there is the female junior b. Again encouraged by B, she asks inane questions and insists that if she as a layperson doesn't get our story then its a stupid story and we must drop all our work and answer all questions she has right away. And of course she tells us fascinating biological theory such as viruses evolved, reached the pinnacle and found it not so good, and so un-evolved themselves (see my earlier post on this amazing theory that Darwin and Wallace would have killed to come up with).

La famille B: B, et b et b.

1 comment:

Archee ologist said...

oh yea? i have to discover the mystery of the miss b!